Sunday 1 September 2013

Pan-African Youth Dialogue Summit 2013

Venue: Eden Grove 
Date: September 4 – 6

Tuesday 3 September
16:00 – 22: 00 Arrivals, Registration and Welcome Cocktail

Wednesday 4 September
09:00 – 09:10 Opening of Summit
Allan Magubane

09:10 – 09:20 Vice-Chancellor’s Office
09:20 – 09:30 PAYD Chairman Xolani Nyali
09:30 – 11:30 Interrogating the African:
Conceptions of Pan Africanism – The 21st Century African
Reuel Khoza, Barney Pityana & (Youth Participant)

11:30 – 12:00 Tea

12:00 –13:30 Role of the 21st Century African in the Global Economy
(Min. Trevor Manuel)

13:30 – 14:30 LUNCH

14:30 – 15:30 In Conversation With Reuel Khoza

15:30 – 16:30 Panel Discussions 1
(The Postcolonial Condition: Fanon, Biko and Rethinking Aspects of
Marxism for the 21st Century)
Panel: Xolela Mangcu, Youth Participant & Richard Pithouse

16:30 – 17:00 Tea

17:30 – 18:00 Intergenerational Conversation Min. Trevor Manuel

......End of Day 1......

Thursday 5 September

09:00 – 10:30 Session 1
Historical Discourse & Gender in Africa
(Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg)
Follow-up Panel Discussions
(Youth Participant, Sally Matthews)

Language, Knowledge and Media
10:30 – 11:00 Tea

11:00 – 12:30 Urbanisation and the City
(Richard Pithouse and Xolela Mangcu)

12:30 – 13:00 African Youth Charter
(Youth Participant: Thabang Mokgatle)

13:00 – 14:15 Lunch

14:15 – 15:00 Panel Discussions 2
Africa Narratives: Language and Media
(Barney Pityana, Anthea Garman & Youth Participant)
Community Values and Civil Society

15:00 – 16:00 Intergenerational Dialogue
Shifting ideas of community, Engaged Citizenship and rethinking
the NGO
(Thoko Didiza, Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg)
Discussants (Youth Participant)

16:00 – 16:30 Tea

16:30 – 18:00 Postcolonial Woundedness
(Pedro Tabensky, Nomalanga Mkhize, Barney Pityana)

Discussions on Possible Cathartic Habits
18:30 – 21:00 Dinner Banquet

.....End of Day 2.....

Friday 6 September
09:00 – 10:30 Recent History of Political Economy in Africa
(Thoko Didiza, Rev Frank Chikane)

10:30 – 11:00 Tea

11:00 – 12:30 Economic Practices and Human (Under)development:
(Rev Frank Chikane)

12:30 – 13:30 Rounding Up and Concluding Remarks

13:30 – 14: 30 Lunch

.....End of Day 3.....

Panels and Descriptions:

1. Conceptions of Pan Africanism – The 21st Century African
Speakers: Xolela Mangcu, Min. Trevor Manuel, Reuel Khoza, Barney Pityana

This idea will act as the centripetal thematic concern when we conceive of Ethical Leadership in Africa. It must be understood as creating the conceptual framework that will anchor the debates around Ethical Leadership in Africa.

The purpose, then, is to try and chart the trajectory of Pan Africanism in the role of Ethics and Leadership, in order that we may be able to break away from the established paradigms of Pan Africanism that delimit our conception of Leadership. To be sure, the importance of rethinking Pan Africanism is that it creates the enabling conditions for the youth to begin to situate themselves in an increasingly globalising world.

This session will therefore focus on the relevance of a Pan African discourse in our times, seeking to provide a working understanding for Ethical Leadership and Pan Africanism that moves away from the idea of leadership being invested in types of authority figures. A new conception of Pan Africanism and leadership should release the possibility of an engaged citizen who is not forever in a waiting posture, but demonstrates ethical leadership even in her daily interactions with the underlying social and economic base. Furthermore, since the 21st Century African is a transnational subject, what are the ways in which we can avoid the emergence of a nativist and essentialist discourse about identity?

2. Knowledge, Language and Media
Speakers: Barney Pityana, Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg, Richard Pithouse, Anthea Garman, Sally Matthews

To follow on form the 21st Century African, if language is implicated in knowledge production, and if it is indeed the bearer of discourse, it is also the bearer of ideology. That is to say, it constructs the conceptual field which we have at our disposal. This session will consider that language presents a natural and inevitable link between both signifier and signified if it is allowed to remain invisible or transparent. This link, of course, is arbitrary and conventional rather than natural and must be (re)appropriated to affirm individual and group identity.

In this session, we explore the ways in which formative aspects of our Pan African history “have been left out of the historical narrative” (Mangcu 2) of the nations in our continent and the implications of this for “developing a shared sense of identity” (2). This session will undertake a few questions: what is the cost of forgetting? And what role does language play in memory making (such that it creates a particular kind of history)?
Related to this, how do the media privilege certain histories/narratives over others? And how does this give it the power to shape and mould the memory of a civil society? This session must explore the current shifts in cultural expression in the media that negate this constructed memory/narrative and replace it with a new narrative that responds to the issues of the day.

Representation is another aspect of media; the session will look into the ways these narratives are shaping the continent’s image of itself and its image abroad.

3. Community Values and Civil Society
Speakers: Wanjiru Kamu-Rutenburg, Pedro Tabensky, Nomalanga Mkhize, Thoko Didiza

This session, following on from the previous, will seek to understand those elements in our societies that operate as unifying forces within the communities. Can ethical leadership be said to exist if the ideas of community are increasingly shifting?

Related to the first session, this session must investigate the idea that the public and the private ought to collide to produce a ‘third sphere’ of citizenship and community in which the concept of an engaged citizenry is explored. Participatory models of leadership have proven to work far better when communities take it upon themselves to engage the state. This especially includes upwardly mobile citizens who are often concerned with their own advancement, rather than forming an engaged citizenry. Of course, the recalcitrance is not a one-way channel, but now involves the very state which is supposed to be in the service of the citizen. Here, the session should come up with ways in which we can transform the functions of participatory governance in Africa in order to establish movements that are concerned not merely with reactionary mobilisation, but with the cultivation of shared responsibility and accountability. The panel should consider, then, that the concept of the solitary individual, the mentality of middle-classism, may not be in keeping with Pan Africanism.

Individuality “short-changed ideas of citizenship and community, and contrived a fictional self so unencumbered by situation and context as to be useful only in challenging the very idea of the political” (Mangcu 10). By focusing on inward-looking strategies of a community rather than mobilisation of the masses, the continent’s leaders are able to self-diagnose and prescribe a healing process for the postcolonial woundedness/pain that has engulfed Africa.

4. Trade and Economy
Speakers: Thoko Didiza, Rev Frank Chikane

In what ways can the business community support these conceptions of Pan Africanism? How, can different organs of the state ‘walk with’ the citizens in order to smooth the progress of the journey towards a new African economic climate? With this metaphor of ‘walking with’ as a point of departure, the panel must consider how the business community is ‘walking apart’ from the rest of the continent using a very individualistic approach of self-fulfilment and interest. The session should provide practical examples of the ways in which business can also be included in the conception of Pan Africanism and Ethical Leadership and, in particular, in the idea of an engaged citizenry. How do some of the African economic policies encourage responsible corporate citizens?