Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Raya Dunayevskaya Archive

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a Capitalist Society, 1941
An Analysis of Russian Economy
, 1942
Marxism against pseudo-Marxism
, 1943
A Letter on Rosa Luxemburg and Capital Accumulation
, 1943
A Restatement of Some Fundamentals of Marxism against 'pseudo-Marxism'
, November 1943
Marxism and Black liberation
, June, 1944
Can the law of value be uprooted?
, 1944
A New Revision of Marxian Economics
, 1944
Negro Intellectuals in Dilemna
, 1944
Negroes in the Revolution
, 1945
Revision or Reaffirmation of Marxism?
, 1945
Marxism and Political Economy
, 1945
The law of value in capitalist society
, September 1945
Luxemburg’s Theory of Accumulation. How it Differed with Marx and Lenin
, 1946
New Developments in Stalin’s Russia
, 1946
The Nature of the Russian Economy
, 1946
The Decline in the Rate of Profit and The Theory of Crises
, 1947
The fatal defect of capitalist production
, 1947
Uprooting capitalism's law of value, part I
, 1948
Uprooting capitalism's law of value, part II
, September 1948
Industrialization of the Negro
, 1948
Stalinists Falsify Marxism Anew. Teaching Marxism in the Soviet Union
, 1948
Production Statistics and the Devaluation of the Ruble
, 1948
Translation of and Introduction to Plekhanov’s The Meaning of Hegel, 1949
The Case of Eugene Varga
, 1949
A Bureaucrat’s Fate
, 1949
The despotic plan of capital vs. freely associated labor
, 1950
The despotic plan of capital vs. freely associated labor
, December 1950
On the economic roots of imperialism: Rudolf Hilferding and 'the stability of capitalism'
, March 1951
The revolt of the workers and the plan of the intellectuals, Part I
, June 1951
The revolt of the workers and the plan of the intellectuals, Part II
, June 1951
The Cooperative Form of Labor Vs. Abstract Labor
, 1951
The Beria Purge
, 1953
The Evolution of a Social Type
, 1953
German workers change face of Europe
, 1953
Malenkov Pledges H-Bomb and Caviar
, 1953
Tensions Within The Soviet Union
, 1953
Intellectuals and the Radical Workers
, 1953
The myth of the invincibility of totalitarianism
, June 1953
Russian Regime Cannot Afford a Beria Show Trial
, 1954
Russia In Economic Crisis
, 1954
Russia, More Than Ever Full of Revolutionaries...
, 1954
Socialism or Barbarism
, 1954
The Gang Lawyer
, 1954
On Both Sides of the Iron Curtain
, 1954
Bert Cochran, Caucus Builder
, 1954
The Revolt In The Slave Labor Camps In Vorkuta
, 1955
New Stage of Struggle Against Labor Bureaucracy
, 1955
New Turn To The “Popular Front”
, 1955
A response to [Cornelius] Castoriadis's 'Socialism or Barbarism'
, August 1955
Marxism and the U.S. Civil War
, November 1955
Where to begin? Theory and practice in a new relationship
, 1956
Without a Past And Without a Future
, 1956
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary
, 1956
Death, Freedom and the Disintegration of Communism
, 1956
The Absence of a Mass Labor Party in the U.S.
, 1956
Italian Communist Party Faces Revolt, December 8
, 1956
Mao Perverts Lenin
, 1957
New Crisis in Russia
, 1957
Djilas’ New Class
, 1957
50 years after the revolution - Mao, Hegel, and dialectics in China
, 1957
Russia’s Internal Crisis
, 1957
Can humanity be free? The new Marxism and Freedom
, May 1957
The philosophic foundation of Marxism
, June 1957
50 years after the revolution - Mao, Hegel, and dialectics in China
, June 1957
The American roots of Marxism
, 1958
Toward a new concept of organization
, June 1958
Unemployment and Organizations to Fight It
, 1958
Whither Paris?
, 19581
Colonial Revolts and the Creativity of People
, 1958
The African Revolution, I
, 1959
Khrushchev Talks On And On
, 1959
May 1 and the Shorter Work Day
, 1959
Eisenhower-Khrushchev Spectacular
, 1959
The Roots of Anti-Semitism
, 1960
The Cuban Revolution: The Year After
, 1960
'Philosophic foundations of the struggles for freedom'
, October 1960
African revolutions revisited
, May 1961
Freedom Riders challenge homegrown totalitarianism
, July 1961
Nuclear war and state-capitalism
, July 1961
Spontaneity of Action and Organization of Thought
, September 1961
Notes on Hegel’s Logic
, 1961
Rough Notes on Hegel’s Science of Logic
, 1961
The New Russian Communist Manifesto
, January 1961
Revolutionary Dynamic of Hegel’s Thought
(Written as a Letter to Olga Domanski), 1961
Tito’s Turnabout
, October 1961
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis tested anti-war Left
, October 1962
Historic roots of conflict in South Asia
, December 1962
Racism and the birth of imperialism, 100 years after the Spanish-American war
, 1963
To Fromm on the Dialectic
, November 1963
American Civilization on Trial: Black Masses as Vanguard
, 1963
The uniqueness of Marxist-Humanism
, 1963
The Theory of Alienation: Marx's Debt to Hegel
, 1964
The Free Speech Movement and the Negro Revolution
, 1965
Marx’s Humanism Today
, 1965
The theory of alienation: Marx's debt to Hegel
, 1965
The theory of alienation: Marx's debt to Hegel
, 1965
Ramifications of Watts revolt
, September 1965
Recollections of Leon Trotsky
, December 1965
Marx's humanism and the mass struggles since World War II
, December 1965
Hegel's summons: Grasp revolutionary spirit of the age
, January 1966
Revisiting 'Black Power,' Race and Class
, September 1966
Tragedy of China's Cultural Revolution
, October 1966
The double tragedy of Che Guevara
, 1967
Revisiting ‘Black Power,’ Race and Class
, 1967
Economic reality and dialectics of liberation
, 1968
Murder and war in the uncivilized U.S.
, May 1968
The near-revolution of France, 1968: Why did it fail?
, 1968
Practicing Philosophy and Revolution
, May 1968
Recollecting the legacy of 'Socialism with a human face'
, August 1968
From the Black-Red Conference: Dialectics of the freedom movements
, January 1969
From Marx to Marxist-Humanism
, 1969
Praxis and the responsibility of intellectuals
, July 1971
Marxist-Humanism’s concept of ‘Subject’
, 1971
Women’s liberation, then and now
, 1971
On C.L.R. James’ Notes on Dialectics
, 1972
A Letter on Marxist-Humanism’s concept of ‘Subject’
, 1973
Philosophy & Revolution
, 1973
The dialectic of Marx's Grundrisse
, 1973
Dialectics and the Black dimension
, 1973
Remembering Allende, 1973
, September 1973
Marx's Grundrisse and women's liberation
, March 1974
Today’s Epigones Who Try to Truncate Marx’s Capital
, 1974
Practicing Proletarian Reason. On seniority and labor's emancipation
, 1975
Black dimension in women's liberation
, 1975
Remembering the 1974-75 Portuguese Revolution and its relation to Africa
, 1976
Marxist-Humanism's original contribution
, April 1976
Marx's concept of 'labor'
, May 1976
Global capital's structural crisis and the need to return to Marx's Capital
, 1978
The philosophic legacy of Karel Kosík
, 1978
Dialectics: The Algebra of Revolution
, 1978
Grave contradictions of 1979 Iranian Revolution
, 1979
Outline of Marx’s Capital Volume I
, 1979
Rosa Luxemburg: revolutionary, feminist
, 1979
International Women's Day and Iran
, March 1979
In celebration of Women's History Month - Lessons of the Iranian revolution
, March 1979
The Two Russian Revolutions, and once again, on the Theory of Permanent Revolution
, October 1979
What is philosophy? What is revolution? What is anti-imperialism?
, December 1979
Women and revolution in Iran
, 1980
May Day as a birthtime of history
, April 1980
Women and revolution in Iran
, September 1980
Historic Roots of Israel-Palestine conflict
, September 1980
On the anniversary of the birth of Erich Fromm
, 1980
Marxism and 'the party'
, 1980
What has happened to the Iranian revolution?
, 1981
Revolution and counter-revolution in Iran
, June 1981
Marxist-Humanism's relation to Marx's Humanism
, September 1981
East European revolt and the re-creation of Marx's Marxism
, February 1982
Stop the slaughter of the Palestinians!
, September 1982
Marx and the Black World
, 1983
Marx's unchaining of the dialectic
, January 1983
Lévi-Strauss and the battle of ideas
, August 1983
Foundations of Marxist-Humanism
, August 1983
Lesson of Grenada for today
, November 1983
Marx's Unchaining of the Dialectic
, 1983
Counter-revolution from within revolution: the problem of our times
, April 1984
When News & Letters was born
, March 1985
Dialectics of revolution: American roots and world Humanist concepts, part I
, March 1985
Dialectics of revolution: American roots and world Humanist concepts, part II
, March 1985
Marx's new moments and those in our age
, April 1986
Another look at Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind
, June 1986
The Philosophic Moment Marxist-Humanism
, January 1987
'On political divides and philosophic new beginnings'
, June 1987