With chapters by Noam Chomsky, Max Rameau, Grace Lee Boggs, Silvia Federici, Ahjamu
Umi, Ben Dangl, etc.
Read Table of Contents
Read an excerpt here.
“Part of the reason that
knowledge about the current global land grab is so uncertain is the paucity of
perspectives and analysis in defining the problem. This book fills the gap
admirably. Think of it as a mix-tape, in which you’re led from rural, urban,
indigenous, Earth First!, Global North, Global South, policy wonk, insurgent,
high theory, and high praxis. Listen for the new voices and the new
ideas—you’ll be humming them for years to come, and you’ll have heard them here
first. —Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved
"Grab back this sparkling mosaic of
essays as a treasure of our new-old knowledge commons. Together these pieces replace dichotomies
with dialectics, making explicit the inseparability of land and collective
life. Together they restore the vital
concept of social ecology in resistance to relentless and increasingly
apocalyptic capitalism, with emphasis on its second contradiction: its
impossibility on a finite resource base." —Maia Ramnath, author of
Decolonizing Anarchism
“As the forces of
thanatos leave no stone unturned in their quest to dominate the entire planet,
this anthology provides a much needed antidote. Weaving together accounts from
around the world, the authors advocate building grassroots movements aimed at
subverting capital’s incessant assault on our lives and land.”—George
Katsiaficas, author of Asia’s Unknown Uprisings
"The acquisition,
control, and exploitation of land, as well as the simultaneous dispossession of
land-based and peasant communities, is central to the processes of both
colonialism and capitalism. As Fanon reminds us, egalitarian governance and
stewardship of land is fundamental to the struggle for liberation and
self-determination for all oppressed peoples. This makes Grabbing Back a
necessary study for anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements." —Harsha
Walia, author of Undoing Border Imperialism
“Never perhaps has the
land question been so crucial for anti-capitalist movements, as we are
witnessing a global process of enclosure that privatizes lands, waters,
forests, displacing millions from their homes, and placing monetary gates to
what we rightly considered our commonwealth. It is essential then that we
understand what motivates this drive and its effects in all their social and
spatial dimensions. Grabbing Back takes us through this process, identifying
the “reasons” and actors behind this global land-grab and, most important,
introducing us to the struggles that people are making across the world to
resist being evicted from their lands and to reclaim the earth. ” —George
Caffentzis, Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa