Thursday, 20 September 2012

‘Politics at a Distance from the State’ Conference

‘Politics at a Distance from the State’ Conference

Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
 29th-30th September 2012

The conference is intended as a space at which academics & activists sympathetic to, supportive of, or involved in ‘politics at a distance from the state’ can freely explore, discuss and debate this type of politics.
It considers anti-statist politics in South Africa and beyond, including anti-statist moments and currents in the anti-Apartheid movement, and contemporary attempts at building alternative, pre-figurative forms of communality in South Africa and abroad.
Attendees will include activists from the 1980s BCM, UDF and trade union movement, writers like John Holloway, Jacques Depelchin, Michael Neocosmos, Richard Pithouse, and Lucien van der Walt (co-author Black Flame), plus today’s movements supportive of 'at a distance' politics, like shack-dweller movement Abahlali baseMjondoloolo.

For further information, please contact:

Kirk Helliker, Sociology, Rhodes University     Tarryn Alexander, Sociology, Rhodes University