Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Kingston University workshop on Fanon & Philosophy

One-day Workshop on Fanon and Philosophy
Kingston University: 20 November 2015
In Goran Hugo Olsson’s recent film essay Concerning Violence: Nine Scenes from the Anti-Imperialist Self-Defence (2014) Lauryn Hill recites the line from Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth that ‘the colonised man is an envious man’. The film largely confirms Sartre’s view in his Preface to Fanon’s last work that the resentment of the colonised is both justified and justifies the violence of anti-colonial resistance. Fanon in short continues to be read in terms of the Hegelian master-slave dialectic and its privileging of the struggle for recognition. But does this do justice to Fanon’s philosophical formation and views? This workshop will explore this issue by returning to Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks, highlighting its debt to Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals and emphasising Fanon’s search for an affirmative anti-colonial philosophy and politics.
  •     John Narayan (University of Warwick)
  •     Matthieu Renault (University of Paris 8)
  •     Shela Sheikh (Goldsmiths, London)
  •     Howard Caygill (CRMEP)
  •     Lucie Mercier (CRMEP)
  •     Peter Hallward (CRMEP)

The audio files can be accessed here.