Wednesday, 10 February 2016

UHURU Theory & Event Workshop – 2016

The Theory & Event workshop, which will be held in the Humanities Seminar room every Tuesday from 3:00 – 4:30, is open to all.  It offers graduate students, staff and visitors an opportunity to participate in a structured discussion on emancipatory thought and action in the modern world. The set of topics is not comprehensive, and thinkers and events that have already been widely discussed in post-graduate courses, the UHURU reading group etc – like Frantz Fanon, Lewis Gordon, Mahmood Mamdani, Achille Mbembe, Gayatri Spivak etc – are not repeated here. Also some major emancipatory events are not dealt with e.g. the Spartacus uprising in Rome, the 16thc Peasant War in Germany, the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and many others.  Readings (divided into core and supplementary readings) will be circulated a week before each meeting. All participants will be expected to have read at least the core readings.

Term One (5 weeks)

1.    Introduction: Slavery in Africa & The Mande Charter of 1221
2.    The French Revolution of 1789: Robespierre, Saint-Just, Olympe de Gouges
3.    The Haitian Revolution of 1791- 1804: Toussaint Louverture
4.    The European working-class movements of 1848:  Karl Marx
5.    The Paris Commune of 1871: Karl Marx

Term Two (8 weeks)

6.    The United States after slavery: W.E.B Du Bois (1903)
7.    The Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917: V.I. Lenin
8.    The Spartacist Uprising of 1919: Rosa Luxemburg
9.    The Turin Strikes of 1918 & 1919: Antonio Gramsci
10. Struggles within the anti-colonial movement in India B. R. Ambedkar, Mohandas Gandhi
11. Post-war feminism in France: Simone de Beauvoir (1949)
12. People’s war and the Chinese revolution 1920s-1949: Mao Zedong
13.Thinking anti-colonialism in France: Jean-Paul Sartre

Term Three (6 weeks)

14. Rethinking pedagogy in Latin America: Paulo Freire (1968)
15. Thinking national liberation struggle 1963-1974: Amilcar Cabral
16. The 1960s in the United States and rethinking racism: Malcom X
17. The 1970s in the United States: Angela Davis
18.Rethinking feminism in the United States: Bell Hooks
19. The 1967 Naxalbari uprising in India: Ranajit Guha

Term Four (7 weeks)

20.Rethinking feminism & the commons after structural adjustment in the 1980s: Silvia Federici
21.Thinking new urban struggles in Latin America in the 21st c: Raul Zibechi
22.May 1968 and ‘post-classism’: Sylvain Lazarus
23.After 1968, rethinking democracy: Jacques Rancière  and Kristin Ross
24. 1968, the ‘immanent exception’ and the subject of truth: Alain Badiou
25. Rethinking the anti-apartheid struggle in the 1970s & 1980s 
26. Conclusion: Rethinking emancipation in contemporary Africa: Michael Neocosmos